Client Testimonials

“ExamineChina completed all orders on time and fairly, it helped our company to minimize the cooperation risk.”
“We recommend ExamineChina services to all companies that want to trade safely with China.”

Activ Yachts
Luxury Yachts
“The inspector follows our guidelines and performs very thorough inspections supported by detailed photos.”
“I would like to recommend EaxmineChina services to all companies and individuals who professionally approach trade with China.”
Fire Protection Systems
“We would like to express our satisfaction with trademark registration in China that ExamineChina handled.”
“We could count on the support and advice from ExamineChina at every stage of cooperation with the Chinese factory.”
Zuk Staporkow
Energy Industry
“ExamineChina verified my Chinese supplier to ensure their credibility. A contract secured the import process.”
Property Property
Storage Racks
“Thanks to the precise quality control of the ordered machine, we made surethat it was working properly.”
Wytwornia Sprezyn Grzesiowiak
Springs Manufacturer
“ExamineChina’s support helped me to carry out the importing process more safely.”

Food industry

Reference letters

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