NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024 show

The NKBA/KBIS show is the largest industry show in the United States dedicated to the design and construction of kitchens and bathrooms. They are held annually in various cities across the United States. What can you expect at the next NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024 show?

Basic information about NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024 show

Date: February 27-29, 2024

Localization: 3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109, United States

Website: kbis.com

NKBA KBIS Las Vegas 2024

What is NKBA?

The NKBA, or National Kitchen + Bath Association, is a non-profit group founded in 1963. In the beginning, their activities only included the sale of kitchen equipment, but over the years, the group has extended its scope to bathroom equipment. It also has within its ranks not only retailers but also designers, distributors, manufacturers, and other industry professionals.

What is KBIS?

KBIS stands for Kitchen + Bath Industry Show and is an NKBA-owned group. They organize the NKBA’s annual kitchen and bathroom trade show.

What can you expect at NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024?

At NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024, you will be able to see the latest solutions and trends in the way kitchens and bathrooms are designed, equipped, and decorated.

During the fair, the halls will be divided into four sectors, and each sector will house a plethora of stands. A map of the fair can be found on the official NKBA/KBIS website. At the stands in question, you will be able to meet designers, retailers, and other professionals in the sector. At many of the stands, there will also be the opportunity to see presentations of products that interest you and to make contact with people who work with a particular company.

Visitors to NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024 will also be able to attend seminars and workshops led by experts in the field.

How to register for NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024?

NKBA KBIS Las Vegas 2024

Guest registration for NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024

When registering for the first time, you will need to provide your name, surname, and the name of the company you represent. Registration fees vary due to several factors, such as the time of registration, the number and type of shows you want to see, and whether you are an NKBA member. NKBA membership can provide you with discounts on entry tickets and access to an info-line to put you in touch with NKBA staff who can help you with your membership number and registration. The cost of attending the fair ranges from USD 50 to USD 1,375. NKBA members enjoy free entry.

Registration as an exhibitor

If you plan to showcase your products at NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024, you should visit the show’s official website and go to the EXHIBIT tab. There, you can choose whether you represent a North American company or if you represent a company from another continent. After selecting one of the options, you will be shown a form which, once filled, will be sent to the NKBA/KBIS staff, who will contact you to register you as an exhibitor.

Why should you participate in NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024?

During the trade show, you will have the opportunity to see the products of leading brands and attend their presentations. You will discover the latest trends in kitchen and bathroom construction. You will also be able to take part in talks and seminars on various industry topics.

For exhibitors, this is an ideal opportunity to present their products to a large audience and a chance to increase the popularity of the business they run. You will also have the chance to make new contacts with designers, suppliers and manufacturers who operate in similar industries to you.

Who participates in NKBA/KBIS?

The NKBA/KBIS Las Vegas 2024 trade show is held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, which is one of the largest convention centers in Las Vegas. In previous years, the show has attracted more than 49,000 attendees, with more than 500 exhibitors presenting their companies and projects.

Organizational matters

NKBA/KBIS offers assistance in finding accommodation for the duration of the fair, as well as a list of available means of transport. Under Hotel Information you will find two options for finding accommodation: over 10 rooms or less than 10 rooms.

Photos: kb.nkba.org