The coronavirus epidemic is a source of concern and many doubts, for example, regarding shipping. Many wonder what impact shipments from Aliexpress coronavirus might have. We already know that parcels arriving from China are safe and do not contain the virus. Another issue is their shipping to other countries. According to our knowledge, since the situation in China has stabilized, more and more deliveries from this country reach their destination.
China’s situation is improving
Over the past few weeks, the situation in China has been moving dynamically toward recovery. Firstly, no new cases outside Hubei province, the center of the epidemic, were reported. After that, there were fewer and fewer cases in Hubei itself as well as in the city of Wuhan. Finally, about two weeks ago, there were no new cases at all, other than travelers who brought the virus from outside of China.
March 19th, a breakthrough in the fight against coronavirus happened in China – for the first time since January, there was not a single new case of COVID-19 infection inside the country. However, in light of the increasing number of people bringing the virus from abroad (67 new cases on March 25th alone), the Chinese must remain cautious.
Currently, the Chinese authorities are turning to help some of the regions affected by the coronavirus epidemic worldwide, including Europe.
The epidemic has affected many areas of everyone’s life. No wonder there are also some difficulties one might encounter when it comes to transport. Fortunately, despite the preventive partial closure of some countries’ borders and the suspension of many flights, most shipments will arrive without any problems. Air and rail freight operate normally; cargo ships arrive at harbors. However, some delays resulting from the difficult situation of many companies might occur. What is more, freight prices are therefore higher.
Aliexpress consignments and coronavirus
There have been rumors that parcels are not getting delivered, but in fact, there is nothing to worry about. Q&A on Aliexpress’s official website shows that difficulties with delivery may occur in Saudi Arabia, Italy, Spain, Israel, and The United Arab Emirates. In some cases, it might be a 20 days delay, while in others, the parcels will be delivered by contactless pickup only. In some Spanish cities being currently on lockdown, delivery is impossible, so these packages will be held in a distribution center until the end of the quarantine. There shouldn’t be any problem with shipping to other countries. According to our knowledge, the parcels are successfully delivered to the customers. You can also track your shipment using its tracking number. Besides, there is always a possibility to return the goods if you don’t wish to purchase them anymore. Nevertheless, you can only do so after the parcel gets delivered.
Another issue is the safety of Chinese parcels, which for many people, is a concern. Fortunately, we can rest assured about that. According to WHO statements, parcels do not pose any threat, as the virus is unable to survive outside the human body for the time needed for delivery from China. Even though the epidemic situation is getting more and more serious in many regions of the world, life – and business – go on.